The practice of buying followers has been around for many years now. Wannabe Influencers and business pages used to purchase followers for years until, Instagram and many other social media platforms have changed the algorithm and penalised the unfair use of the platform, in many cases blocking and deleting Instagram accounts with up to 80% fake followers.
Is buying fake followers legit?
So many Saas were born from the demand of users wanting more following that it became a proper social media sub-industry worth Millions of dollars. Many platforms such as: Buzzoid; Goread; Poprey; promise users a 100% follow garantee for the right price, obviously. But is it worth it?
You guessed it. No! All these services sell you is bots not real people. Have you ever checked someone’s followers and noticed that these accounts follow thousands of peaople but have a dozen of followers in return? This are the bots! They are pretty easy to spot as they are roughly structured the same way.
How to understand when someone has fake followers?
If you want to make sure you are not followed by a bot or if you want to investigate and account following base these are the things to look out:
- High number of following low number of followers;
- No profile picture or object related profile picture;
- Inconsistency in their posts (you cannot identify who is the owner, no visible face);
How to spot accounts with fake followers
These companies are selling you inactive accounts or fake pictures sold by third parties (unaware of their use) just for a number of followers that will never engage with your content. Most of the cases they are just bots. We suggest to use the following softwares do investigate the account health of users: Inbeat; Modash; Famoid.