Business Social Media

How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile?

There are a lot of people on LinkedIn! To stand out , you must have an optimized and original profile. Especially if you plan to prospect on LinkedIn , you must first have a quality LinkedIn profile. 💯
profile on social media that resembles you, that helps you understand what subject you are an expert in, this is what we will see together in this article. 👇

What is the perfect LinkedIn profile? The guide to standing out and presenting yourself on LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn profile must represent you. At a glance, people should understand who you are and more importantly what you do, a bit like your LinkedIn resume . 😜 To have an effective LinkedIn profile that gets noticed, there are several elements to consider. I suggest you take my profile and analyze it together step by step. 👌


Step 1: Creating LinkedIn to have a colorful profile

At first glance, you’ll notice that I’ve standardized my profile colors. No rainbows (although I love them). 🌈 Why? To create an atmosphere. So as not to lose my visitor. There is already a lot of information on my profile, I want it to be identified with my graphics. 😅 Also, in his feed, I want him to be able to recognize that it’s me. A bit like blue = Waalaxy, blue =écran-2021-05-20-à-16.34.07-1. webp on LinkedIn. 🌚


Choose a color that also matches what you sell. If your site is red, then match the tones to match. 👌


Step 2: Your LinkedIn profile photo

This is clearly what will make you stand out. 📸 The LinkedIn profile picture is your chance to show who you are, to stand out from the crowd, to be visible in an endlessly scrolling feed. ♾️ This is why it is necessary to also understand how the LinkedIn algorithm works ! 👈
To get the right LinkedIn profile picture you need:

  • A precise color,
  • A neutral background,
  • An accessory (hat, boxing glove, for example),
  • professional quality photo (you don’t need to choose a pixelated photo).
  • A photo taken for the occasion! (Let’s forget the photos outside the straw hut this summer 🙄).

Some examples of flashy profile pictures :

svg%3E10/10 ⭐️ for Valentine Sauda . The photo of her is impactful, not too colorful but enough to make it clear that these are the colors of her personal brand . And what’s more, all this is tuned to her cover photo, which recalls her emoji: 🥊. In short, a great lesson in “personal branding “! Sober and effective at Nina Ramen . A clear message, with reminder emoji as a call to action . 🍓

svg%3EA common trend is to surround the profile photo with a colored circle, with a simple modification, to make the image stand out , for example, we use Canva, here is the URL of a training . ✨


Think about it, a welcoming and professional profile picture = 36 times more likely to be contacted privately! 😉

Step 3: LinkedIn profile example with a good cover photo

This is the perfect opportunity to choose the message you want to spread and target your ideal potential customers . You can use it to launch a call to action , entice people to visit your website or draw attention to your profile photo , which you have worked carefully on. 😜 A perfect example is Laurine Sauvaitre . 👌


You can also play with sobriety to double the message with your job title on LinkedIn. A perfect example is Léa Gueniffet . ⚡


We at Waalaxy have chosen that the messages on our LinkedIn covers = the current offer on our product. 👽 A great way to keep users updated on your latest news and provide visibility to our tool.


But you can also choose to use your LinkedIn cover photo to describe what you do in a few words. 👇


If you want to know how to create one easily, check out our training here . 💥 This banner must visually explain what you do. Your value proposition . Be creative. 🦄 Like the profile photo, don’t neglect the impact of this banner and find out how to create a good portfolio on LinkedIn ! 💫

Step 4: Your LinkedIn Title

Your LinkedIn headline is critical. It’s what will make you stand out in the LinkedIn feed when you post and comment. 🗣️svg%3EWhen you post a comment on LinkedIn , there is minimal contact information about yourself. 🙈 Your profile picture, your name and your title. It’s a way to get attention in a few seconds, if you don’t want to get lost in that flow of content!



A little tip: add an emoji in the title. Describe what you do in a relevant way, that’s the general rule. Also take this opportunity to talk about your offers, it works quite well in our house. 😇 And if you’re wondering how important this is, ask yourself if you would be more likely to click on these titles (with relevant keywords)? 🤔


Or rather on these titles ? 😑


(Sorry & Edouard, but we have to work a bit 😜). The headline , along with your profile photo, is the first impression that appears on LinkedIn, without even having to go to your profile. 😨

Fifth step: The emojis in your LinkedIn name

An underrated skill: choosing the right emoji on LinkedIn . 🥳 It’s like choosing the right gif to send to your favorite colleague or ex-colleagues to argue with: it takes dexterity. 😂 I’m not a good example, I chose the scariest emoji on LinkedIn. But at least it’s attractive and, in the end, that’s what you’re looking for. 😜
Here are some examples:

svg%3E svg%3E svg%3EThe emoji you choose should serve several purposes:

  • Strengthen your message,
  • Help millions of LinkedIn users recognize you,
  • Illustrate your tagline, your value proposition.

For example, if you have an “eco” approach 🌱 or if you are known for the hat in your profile photo …🧢.

Step 6: Favorite Topics on LinkedIn

Favorite topics serve to reinforce the message you want to convey. They help you rank on LinkedIn hashtags in your industry. 👌 Choose them carefully based on the topics you want to be pushed on! The goal is to convey a message in a few words to those who visit your professional profile , but also to the LinkedIn algorithm 😉


There is nothing more annoying than arriving at a profile with no description, or worse with a description worthy of a cover letter that ends with “best regards”… 🙄 Consider highlighting your qualifications instead and your recommendations on LinkedIn!
🚀 I think you will succeed, but in your description on LinkedIn be yourself. Share what you want people to read about you, what your potential customers want to know. 👂
We wrote an entire article on how to write a summary on LinkedIn without yawning, using the right keywords . 😇

Unimpressed Sea GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

From experience, we don’t look at LinkedIn summary examples often enough . Yes, because the summary is only two lines long, which doesn’t encourage much action. the format is rather small and not very visible compared to the rest of the profile (hence the importance of the other parts). But this is the place where you can insert a clickable link , so choose your call to action carefully! 🧨
This is a part you can write longer. Focus on the narrative. Tell your story. A story that brings you credibility . 🎻 Staying focused on your call to action .
Also, avoid the “my 10 years of “work experience” stuff” and all that stuff found in standardized online cover letters and resumes . 🤨 Unless your goal is to look like other personal profiles, of course. 😬

Some examples of LinkedIn descriptions:


svg%3EIn short, be relevant and impactful. 🥊 Bonus: Consider standing out with a custom profile URL that will make your account even more memorable! ⏰

Step 8: Highlight what you want with the selection

Recently LinkedIn allows you to create a profile with a “Our selection” section. This allows you to highlight certain content. 🤩

svg%3EWhile previously you had to include them in your profile summary with keywords and outgoing links were accessible only in 3 clicks , now they are accessible in just one. 😜
Provide the visitor with material: your best blog posts , your site, testimonials from new clients , or even your best posts on LinkedIn.
But above all, choose the first 2-3 carefully: they are the most visible and are the ones that your potential customers will see first. 👀 In summary, to have an original LinkedIn profile you need:

  • A quality profile photo ,
  • cover photo that speaks about you,
  • A color code for your media profile ,
  • An incisive title that describes what you do 🥊
  • Favorite topics in your industry,
  • Emojis because they capture attention 😜,
  • A description that represents you,
  • A section with your best posts on LinkedIn.

Conclusion: some tips for your LinkedIn profile

the end win GIF

Tips 1: Work experience and education. Be accurate, be real

Unless your employer recruited you based on a fake resume profile, first tip: be real. 🌈
Then, it all depends on the goal you have set for yourself with your profile . In our case, we are less interested in recruiters , but more interested in a social profile intended for canvassing and having a strong profile and communication activity on LinkedIn. 🎯
For candidates who are looking for a job , present all your professional and volunteer experiences . 🤲

Provide details to be easy for a recruiter to find during their job search. On the other hand, if your goal is to maximize “conversion rates” (by which we mean contact with you or access to a site URL or increasing your brand awareness ), you are advised to remain concise in the number of experiences, but specific in their descriptions. 🧲
Highlight the experiences that strengthen your competence, support your speech, tell a story. Don’t make a resume or cover letter that describes every job advert you’ve made. Create a story, sell your expertise and your work . Be original. 🥇

Workshop Post It GIF by weSpark

Tips 2: Add a focus on LinkedIn

The interests section on LinkedIn contributes to your storytelling and is a great way to reveal yourself to your target audience . 🎯 Here are some dos and don’ts: 🟢
For example, if you have a leadership position, you can add interests that revolve around things like soccer coach, fishing club, etc. 🎣 shows that you have hobbies too.
Furthermore, it makes you more approachable, it could be a point in common with the people who visit your profile and who practice these competitive sports. 🏆
Always keep your goals in mind when choosing your interests! 🏹 on the other hand, if you sell biodegradable products, it would be contradictory to follow oil companies, mining companies or other lobbies that support this type of polluting activity! Instead, you should be interested in non-profit organizations that clean the oceans, eco-labels and so on… 🌱

Remember: quality over quantity! 🏆 You don’t have to add all your real interests if they aren’t relevant to your industry on LinkedIn. 🤐 How to add interests on LinkedIn:

  • Search for the topic in the main LinkedIn search engines ,
search <strong>LinkedIn</strong>
  • You can follow the LinkedIn page directly from the results, or open the page and click on the “Follow” button:
follow interest LinkedIn
  • You can also go to the interests of your connections and click on “See all”,
see all interests LinkedIn
  • From here you can see the interests you are already “subscribed” to or those you can follow:
follow interests on LinkedIn

Simple as that! 💥 They will now appear in the Interests section of your LinkedIn profile page . 👌

Here’s how to change your LinkedIn interest center: We’ve just seen that adding interests to your personal profile is very simple and helps to complete your overall profile. 🙏
However, removing interest can be a little trickier! 😬 The categories of interests are:

  • Influencers,
  • Companies,
  • Groups,
  • Schools.

Influencers , Companies and Schools can be removed at any time, like this:

  • Just go to your interests and open “See All” again,
see all interests LinkedIn
  • From there, just click on “no longer followed” on the pages or people that are no longer relevant .

follow interests on LinkedInBe careful, this is different for LinkedIn Groups ! ⚠️

  • To delete the “Groups”, you need to enter the page directly:
interests on LinkedIn
  • From there, click on the 3 dots and on “Update your preferences”:
update LinkedIn group settings
  • At this point a preferences page for the group will open and you will need to indicate “No” in the display section.
LinkedIn group settings

I know, I know… it’s not very easy to use, but for now it’s the only way to go! 😳

Tips 3: Think about translation to optimize your LinkedIn profile

You can also translate your LinkedIn profile . If you choose this option, you will be more likely to appear in some search results . Having a profile in English is the minimum if your sector is international. 🌎 The brain retains original information better , those that are different. So be creative. Stand out from the crowd . Don’t do what everyone else does. Stick to a few basic principles as you try to stand out ! 😁Optimize your 

LinkedIn profile for your 

B2B prospecting , to have better visibility or to enrich your social networks

professionals… It’s a subtle art. 🎨And if you are lazy to read and are more into videos…. 👇

Frequently asked questions from the LinkedIn profile article

How do you optimize your LinkedIn account?

Optimize your LinkedIn profile in 8 steps:

  1. The cover image that speaks about you,
  2. A color code for your profile,
  3. An incisive title that describes what you do 🥊
  4. Favorite topics in your industry,
  5. Emojis because they capture attention 😜,
  6. A description that represents you,
  7. A section with your best posts on LinkedIn,
  8. Translate your online profile into multiple languages.
Language Of Love Josh Freydkis GIF by GIPHY Dating

What is LinkedIn for? To gain visibility, of course!

Post content on your favorite topics regularly. It doesn’t get more complicated than that. 🤗 And here’s one of our contents to get ideas for posts on LinkedIn ! 👈

Creative mode or not on LinkedIn?

This is the question of the moment. It all depends on your goal. 🎯svg%3E🛑 If you want to grow your professional social networking : no.
🛑 If you rarely post on LinkedIn: No.
🟢 If you’re interested in growing your following: That’s a big YES!
🟢 If you post very regularly on LinkedIn: YES!

How to create a good LinkedIn?

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile,
  • Post at least once a day,
  • Exchange with others,
  • Comment on posts from your LinkedIn network.

You need to have an optimized profile on LinkedIn . Share valuable content related to your skills and, above all, be active on the LinkedIn social network .
In short, you should be considered among the active users of this professional social network . 😍
For example, you can create carousels on LinkedIn to share your skills! ✅ But being visible doesn’t just mean posting. It’s about interacting with others. Then comment without moderation on the posts of other content creators.

Comment Das Schaffst Du Nie GIF by funk

How to create a professional account on LinkedIn?

  • Focus on a specific area. For example, if you specialize in web traffic, be even more specific (e.g., SEO).
  • Post daily on relevant topics that relate to your theme.
  • Activate LinkedIn creator mode to increase the number of subscribers.
  • Create a newsletter on LinkedIn to build your niche.
  • Comment on posts on LinkedIn several times a day to build a professional network.
  • Share your webinars and podcasts through your LinkedIn posts.


If you publish quality content, others will perceive you as the point of reference in that particular sector and will immediately think of you. Then, some will be influenced by your good practices . 😜 Now you know everything about your LinkedIn profile , see you soon for more quality articles! 🦦

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