
Who Invented Google: the History of the Most Famous Search Engine in the World


The History of Google

In the vast landscape of the digital world, few inventions have had as significant an impact as the Google search engine. Known and used by billions of people around the world, Google has become synonymous with online search, facilitating access to an enormous amount of information quickly and efficiently.

But who invented Google? How was this revolutionary platform born?

The story of Google begins in the laboratories of Stanford University, where two brilliant doctoral students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin , met in 1995. Despite their contrasting personalities, Page and Brin had a common vision: to organize the entire mass of information on the Web to make it more accessible to users.

In 1996, the two young researchers began collaborating on a project called “BackRub” , a search engine that analyzed links between web pages to determine their relevance.

Their main innovation was using an algorithm called PageRank , which scored pages based on the number and quality of links they received from other pages.

This revolutionary approach allowed them to create an unprecedented search results ranking system.

Enthusiasm for the project grew quickly, so much so that Page and Brin decided to found a company to develop and market their search engine. Thus, in September 1998, Google Inc. saw the light in the garçonnière (bachelor apartment) in Menlo Park, California.

The name “Google” derives from “googol”, a mathematical term indicating the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, representing the immense amount of information that the search engine would have to manage.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Over the next few years, Google experienced incredible success. Its clean and simple interface, combined with accurate and relevant search results, quickly won over users.

In 2000, Google launched AdWords , a text-based advertising system, which would soon generate significant revenue for the company. In 2004, the company went public, raising funds that would allow it to expand further.

Google’s growth hasn’t stopped just at the search engine. Over the years, the company has developed a wide range of products and services, including Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube and many others.

Google’s goal has always been to organize the world’s information and make it accessible to everyone, both through search and through innovative tools and platforms.

Today, Google is much more than just a search engine. It became an empire.

The Beginnings of Google

The first chapters of Google’s history date back to 1995, when Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University. Sharing a common vision of making information on the Web more accessible, the two doctoral students began working together on a project called “BackRub.”

This project was based on a new algorithm called PageRank, which evaluated the relevance of web pages based on the links they received from other pages.

In 1998, Page and Brin founded Google Inc. and launched their own search engine under the name “Google”. From modest beginnings in an apartment in Menlo Park, California, Google quickly gained popularity thanks to its accurate search results and intuitive interface.

These early years laid the foundation for Google’s future success and its transformation into one of the largest and most innovative technology companies in the world.

The 90s


By the late 1990s, Google was establishing itself as a promising search engine. By 1999, the company had moved beyond its initial phase and moved to an office in Mountain View, California. During this period, Google attracted the attention of investors, managing to obtain significant funding.

In 2000, the company launched Google AdWords , an advertising system that would later serve as a key source of revenue. The company continued to grow impressively and expand into new territories, such as localizing its services into several languages.

The goal of providing increasingly relevant search results remained at the center of Google’s activities, which invested in research and development to continuously improve its ranking algorithm.

As the years passed, Google established itself as the world’s leading search engine, paving the way for a future of unprecedented expansion and innovation.

The 2000s

In the 2000s, Google experienced a period of explosive growth and significant developments.

In 2001, the company launched Google Images , allowing users to search and view millions of images online.

The following year, Google acquired the company Applied Semantics, which led to the creation of Google AdSense, a program that allowed website owners to generate revenue by serving contextual ads.

Google Inc. NASDAQ
Credit: Reuters

In 2004, Google went public , with one of the largest and most successful IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) in history. This made Page and Brin billionaires and allowed the company to raise capital to finance further projects and acquisitions.

Throughout the 2000s, Google continued to expand, launching Google Maps in 2005 and YouTube in 2006, both of which became widely popular services.

The company also developed products like Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar , which changed the way people communicated and collaborated online.

Its global presence was consolidated with the opening of offices around the world, transforming Google into an international brand and undisputed leader in the technology sector.

The 2000s marked a period of unprecedented growth and innovation for Google, laying the foundation for its current status as one of the largest and most influential companies in the world.

The 2010s

In the 2010s, Google continued to solidify its position as a leader in the technology industry and launch innovative new services and products.

In 2010, the company introduced Google Chrome , a fast and reliable web browser that soon became one of the most popular in the world. That same year, Google Drive , a cloud storage service that allowed users to store and share files online, was also launched .


In 2011, Google+ was presented as a new social network, although it subsequently did not achieve the desired success and was closed in 2019.

In 2012, Google shocked the technology world with the launch of Google Glass , glasses with advanced features, which however failed to achieve mass diffusion.

That same year, Google acquired Motorola Mobility to boost its presence in the mobile device industry. However, in 2014, Google sold Motorola to Lenovo, keeping only some of its important licenses.

In 2015, Google underwent a restructuring and became a subsidiary of a new holding company called Alphabet Inc. , which provided greater transparency and allowed for better management of its various businesses.

Throughout the 2010s, Google continued to invest in artificial intelligence and search, introducing Google Assistant in 2016, a virtual assistant that revolutionized interacting with devices.

Google has also expanded its presence in the hardware sector, launching a series of products such as Pixel , its flagship smartphones, and Google Home , a smart speaker.

In 2019, Google celebrated its 20th anniversary, highlighting its successful journey as a search engine and cutting-edge technology company.

The 2010s were characterized by further innovation and Google’s expansion into multiple industries, maintaining its position as one of the most influential and recognizable companies in the world.

Financing and Initial Public Offering

The financing and initial public offering (IPO) were pivotal moments in Google’s history. In 1998, the company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and over the next few years attracted the attention of major investors.

In 2004, Google decided to undertake the initial public offering of its shares, making itself available for purchase by the public on the stock market.

Google’s IPO was one of the largest and most successful in history, leading to stock issuance that raised billions of dollars. This event made Page and Brin billionaires and provided the company with the financial resources needed to support its growth and carry out further projects.

The initial public offering also helped increase Google’s visibility and credibility as a leading technology company, laying the foundation for its future success.

The Reasons for Google’s Success

Google’s success can be attributed to several key factors that have contributed to its rise as a dominant search engine and leading technology company. First, Google’s innovative ranking algorithm, called PageRank, has revolutionized the online search experience by providing accurate and relevant results to users. This ability to offer relevant information quickly gained user trust and contributed to Google’s popularity.

Secondly, Google’s focus on usability and intuitive interface has made the search engine extremely accessible, allowing anyone to use it easily and effectively. Its clean, distraction-free interface made the search experience enjoyable and user-friendly.

Third, Google has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to innovation and the development of new services and products that have enriched people’s digital lives.

The introduction of Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, and many other applications has helped expand Google’s ecosystem and keep users engaged within its platform.

Finally, Google’s ability to adapt to the evolving needs of users and the market, through strategic acquisitions, investments in research and development, and a constant pursuit of innovation, has helped maintain its prominent position in the technological landscape.

Overall, Google’s success can be attributed to the combination of a cutting-edge search algorithm, a user-friendly interface, the introduction of new services, and the ability to adapt to changing market needs.

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Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Google Today

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the two visionary founders of Google, have left an indelible mark on the world of technology. From the humble beginning of a search engine called “BackRub” in the 1990s, Page and Brin have guided Google to its current position as one of the largest and most influential companies in the world.

Larry Page, born March 26, 1973 in Michigan, is known for his bold vision and passion for innovation. After completing his studies at Stanford University, Page co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in 1998.

Over the years, Page has held several key roles within Google, including CEO. During his tenure, he led a number of major initiatives, including Google’s transformation into Alphabet Inc. , a holding company that includes several subsidiaries, allowing for greater business focus and agility.

Page is known for his innovative approach and has led the development of ambitious projects such as Google

X Company
Credits:X Company

Sergey Brin, born on August 21, 1973 in Moscow, Russia, is considered one of the leading artificial intelligence experts in the world. Also a graduate of Stanford University, Brin collaborated with Page to found Google.

During Google’s early years, Brin focused on the technical side, helping to develop the PageRank algorithm, which formed the basis of Google’s success. He also led Google’s expansion into new areas, such as book search and the creation of Google Books. Brin has demonstrated a particular interest in scientific research and has invested in cutting-edge projects, such as founding Google Brain , an artificial intelligence laboratory.

Today, Google is much more than just a search engine. It has become a technology conglomerate with several operational branches, such as Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Android, and much more.

Google has set new standards in the field of information access, communication and global connectivity. With its services and products, Google has changed the way people interact with technology and has profoundly influenced modern society.

However, in December 2019, Larry Page and Sergey Brin announced their departure from Google, leaving Sundar Pichai as CEO of Alphabet Inc. Page and Brin chose to focus on new projects and interests, but their impact and legacy remains strong in Google’s DNA.

Google continues to innovate and lead technological development in various industries. The company is investing in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles and other cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, Google has taken a broader view through Alphabet Inc., allowing its divisions to operate more independently and pursue new growth opportunities.

Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Google have left an indelible mark on the history of technology. Their bold vision, commitment to innovation and pursuit of excellence have helped shape the digital landscape we live in today.

While Page and Brin have stepped away from leadership positions, their innovative spirit and legacy of success continue to lead Google into an exciting future full of potential.

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